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The 20 most convincing photos of ghosts ever taken – #9 will give you the creeps (See Photos)

The most convincing photos of ghosts ever taken: For centuries, there has been strong debate as to whether ghosts really exist. While many people think that ghosts are just a figment of the imagination, something dreamed up by Hollywood writers to sell tickets and scare moviegoers, others have had experiences that just can’t be explained with logic. Objects missing or even moving around, lights turning off and on, footsteps, voices, and wailing are just a few of the paranormal experiences some people have faced in the past that are just unexplainable.


Many cultures believe heavily in ghosts and spirits, believing that lost loved ones remain on the earth after they’ve passed. For years, cameras and video recording equipment has also caught weird things not seen by the person taking or posing for the photo. Light orbs are said to represent spirits, while transparent, ghastly images have been caught on film as well. Sometimes, even a person with detailed features has made a surprise appearance in photographs.

While paranormal experts insist that ghosts are real, there are still people that just don’t believe. These 20 photos are scary, haunting and may be a little more persuasive for those who think that ghosts are all just part of scary horror stories.

20. A Spooky Hand Hovers over a Bureau


In the early 20th century, a photo was snapped of a Queen Anne bureau. Nothing seemed off about the bureau until the photo was developed. Once developed, there was a white, transparent hand hovering over the top of it. The photo is taken in such a way that a body would be seen if someone else was in the photo. However, a body is not seen in the picture, just the hand dangling over the top of the bureau. Unfortunately, due to the age of this particular ghost photo, there is not much more information or a backstory that could explain what happened.

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