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5 Post-Workout Foods

Overeating is a major mistake people make after a tough workout, but they aren’t entirely wrong in their impulse. It’s important to replenish our bodies with nutrients after exercise, and the window is short—we just have to make sure to choose the right type of foods.
After a strenuous workout, the body’s glycogen supply is severely depleted. Glycogen, a form of energy that is produced by our muscles, can be regenerated and can repair muscle mass quickly if carbohydrates and protein are consumed within 30 minutes to an hour of exercise, says nutritionist Heather Calcote. The sooner you can eat after a workout, the better.

The ideal ratio of carbs to protein is four to one, or four grams of carbs for every one gram of protein. That said, supplements like protein bars and gels are not ideal post-workout foods, says personal trainer Allyn Blind. For example, she points out that while the drink Muscle Milk contains plenty of protein, it also has three times more calories than those burned during a 20-minute session on the elliptical.

Whether you’re headed to the office or making dinner after your next workout, here are some of the best foods to eat and drink to meet the ideal carb-protein ratio.

1. Chocolate milk
Believe it or not, chocolate milk has proven effective in refueling one’s body after a workout, since it contains the ideal amount of carbs and protein. A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that chocolate milk was more effective in recovery than fluid replacement drinks, such as Gatorade. Nutritionist Danielle Omar is a fan because “it’s natural and it’s not a supplement. When you add the chocolate, it does have that perfect ratio.”

2. Yogurt smoothie
There’s no need for protein powder in your post-workout shake, contrary to popular belief. Calcote recommends using Greek yogurt as a substitute for the powder, since it’s natural and is actually higher in protein. And don’t forget to include some carbs, adds Omar. Throw in a banana with milk or juice. For some micronutrients, pour in a serving of coconut water.

3. Breakfast wrap with eggs
If you have more time after a morning workout, scramble some eggs and toss them into a whole wheat tortilla. Eggs are a great source of protein—one egg contain six grams, which is about 12 percent of the daily recommendation. If you’re worried about fat or cholesterol, get rid of the yolks and use just the whites.

4. Peanut butter sandwich
“It’s simple, it’ll stay fresh during a workout, and it’s cheap,” says Omar. Munch one on your way to work after hitting the gym, and you’ll get your carb and protein fix easily. Not filling enough? We recommend adding banana slices or honey.

5. Lean meats and a carb-friendly side dish
Oftentimes we’re ravenous after a long day at work and subsequent gym session. For a post-workout dinner, stick to protein and carbohydrate sources, Blind says, but “look to lean meats such as chicken or fish, and a nutrient-dense carbohydrate such as sweet potato or brown rice.”

5 Powerful Cleansing Foods

You already know vegetables are good for you. What you may not know, however, is that certain veggies—many that often get overlooked at the grocery store—contain the highest levels of detoxifying properties. We rounded up five vegetables that do the best job at ridding your body of toxins and bacteria and leave you squeaky clean and healthy.
Don’t just go for fennel seeds—the plant’s bulb, leaves, and stalks are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and potassium, too. Fennel is known for its anti-inflammatory, liver- and colon-protecting properties. The seeds are often used to ease digestive pain.

Artichokes contain some of the highest levels of antioxidants, coming in seventh on the US Department of Agriculture’s top 20 antioxidant-rich foods list. Studies show that the intimidating-looking vegetable also lowers cholesterol and relieves gastrointestinal problems.

Collard greens
They’re in the same family as kale and broccoli, so you can bet they contain plenty of health benefits, too. These greens are high in vitamins K, A, and C, and have been shown to outshine kale for cholesterol-lowing abilities. One cup contains more than five grams of fiber, which makes it a great source of digestive support.

There’s no denying kale’s powerful detoxing benefits. One cup of the leafy green contains 1,328 percent of your recommended daily value of vitamin K, more than 300 percent of vitamin A, and 89 percent of vitamin C. Studies strongly link kale to cancer prevention and heart health. (Also try: broccoli.)

The richly colored root contains betalains, phytonutrients that help detoxify and have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. Note, however, that the longer you cook beets, the more betalain damage they incur. Stick to 15 to 20 minutes of steaming or boiling, and 45 minutes or less for roasting.

The 5 Germiest Public Places

With changing weather and the end of daylight savings time comes another hallmark of fall and winter: cold and flu season. And if you find yourself succumbing to illness year after year, some surprising culprits could be to blame. Here are five of the top germ-infested public places to be extra wary of this flu season.
1) The Gym
Fitness centers are well-known breeding grounds for germs that might lead to infections or athlete’s foot. A study found high levels of body contamination on door handles, shower floors, free-weight benches and bars, and dumbbells. And don’t forget to give your yoga mat a wipe-down before you roll it up to prevent bacteria from growing.

2) Public Transportation
DC’s Wheaton Metro station boasts the Western Hemisphere’s longest set of single-span escalators. But you may want to avoid holding onto the rails, despite what the safety rules tell you. A study that looked at mall escalator handrails detected traces of blood, sweat, and urine. It also found blood, mucus, saliva, sweat, and urine on bus handles and armrests. Another study on a public transportation system in a US city found various strains of the infection-causing bacteria staphylococcus on bus and train floors, seats, armrests, and windows.

3) Restaurants
A recent study found that on laminated menus, salmonella survived up to 72 hours and E. coli up to 48 hours. And do you ever request a slice of lemon with your water or soda? A study that examined 76 lemons from 21 restaurants found that more than 60 percent of the lemon slices produced microbial growth.

4) Playgrounds
Everyone knows a kid’s favorite time of the school day is recess. But what you might not know is that playgrounds are also hotbeds of germs. The same study that found bacteria on escalator handrails found that playgrounds were the site most likely to test positive for biochemical markers including blood, saliva, mucus, sweat, and urine.

5) Makeup Counters/Handbags
A two-year study by Elizabeth Brooks, a biological sciences professor at New Jersey’s Rowan University, found that testers and makeup counters were contaminated with staph bacteria and E. coli among other germs. So before you try on that lipstick, think of the hundreds who could have tried it on before you.

Castor Oil: Home Remedies for Beauty and Health Purposes

You will find bottles of castor oil in health stores and maybe in your grandmother’s medicine cabinet. However, it behooves us well to own a bottle as well. Why? Castor oil, a very pale yellow liquid extracted from the castor seeds of Ricinus Communis, is one of the most useful plant oils. Castor oil comes in different grades and is used as food additives, in cosmetics, in flavorings, as a mold inhibitor and in pharmaceuticals.

Castor oil has a long history of medicinal uses both internally and externally, treating conditions ranging from arthritis to genital warts. But it is not all old wives’ tales and grandma’s “cure-all.” The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has categorized castor oil as “generally recognized as safe and effective” for over-the-counter use as a laxative and undecylenic acid, a castor oil derivative is also FDA-approved for over-the-counter use on skin disorders or problems.

Just what make castor oil such a health heavyweight? Castor oil is rich in Ricinoleic acid which exerts anti-inflammatory effects and is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal as well. In addition, its high levels of unsaturated fatty acids have antioxidant properties. Like magic potion, you just need one bottle of castor oil– it yields many health and beauty purposes as listed below:

Beautiful skin
Is your skin dragging your appearance down with wrinkles and age spots? Age can get the better of you but you can get the better of the situation with this easy ritual: apply a thin layer of castor oil to face before going to sleep. Castor oil is a natural rich emollient and its molecular weight makes it easier to penetrate into the stratum corneum (a fancy word for the outermost layer of the epiderm). Dermatologists will tell you that a healthy stratum corneum makes healthy youthful looking skin. Do this religiously and earn top marks for beautiful skin. This ritual will also reduce appearance of age spots (brought about by sun damage and the aging process) and produce suppler skin.

Skin Infections
Castor oil’s antimicrobial properties are put to good use when you need to fight skin infections. Do you have abrasion, acne, dry skin, boils, warts, chronic itching, inflamed skin, sunburned skin or even stretch marks? Don’t despair—soak a cotton ball with castor oil and apply to skin in the morning and at night. If the area is small (for example a wart), soak a band-aid in castor oil before applying. Just that easy!

Beautiful Full Hair
How’s your crown of glory? Is it a source of pride or do you wish bald is the perennial fashion statement? If thinning hair is your problem, here’s help. Castor oil has the uncanny ability to encourage hair growth. Some even claim it can grow longer eye-lashes! While these claims are not based on solid scientific evidence, users of castor oil to promote hair growth have reported favorable returns for their hair diligence. If you’re thinking of using castor oil to bring back the glory, here’s how:
Since castor oil can be thick, dilute it with lighter oil like sweet almond oil or avocado oil. Apply to scalp, rub it in gently and wrap your hair with a plastic cap or towel. Leave it on for half an hour or longer. Shampoo off, making sure the scalp is clean. Repeat it once a week.
Another bonus to this castor oil routine–castor oil’s rich omega-3 fatty acids is a rich moisturizer and your hair will also look nourished and silky. Now, your hair can rival those shampoo girls you see (and may be envious before) in commercials. Move over!

Arthritis can get you down—sore joints, aching muscles and inflamed nerves can make you life miserable. Rub the misery away with some castor oil help. Because castor oil is anti-inflammatory, consider massaging sore areas with castor oil. Alternatively, use a castor oil pack. You can easy make this yourself or purchase a kit. To begin, make a castor oil pad—fold a flannel cloth 3 or 4 times over. Soak folded cloth with castor oil and placed it on affected joint or area. Cover the cloth with a plastic wrap and place a hot water bottle or heating pad over it. Leave it on for 45 minutes to an hour, once a day. To reuse castor oil pad, put it in a Ziploc bad and refrigerate.
Castor oil pack is also good for treating colds, cysts, flu and ulcers. Reputedly, it can also simulate liver, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and stimulate the lymphatic system. Yes, the wonders never cease….

Not a pretty C word—in fact, if you ever had it—it’s convolution of your insides—got to go but can’t. FDA agrees that castor oil is a laxative and so, herein lies the cure—simply take a teaspoon of castor oil in the morning. Doesn’t sound too appetizing? Mix it with some orange juice, cranberry, prune juice to take away the bitter taste without compromising the laxative effects. Do not take it consecutively for 3 days—if it doesn’t help, it’s time to see your physician. Immediately!
Ringworm Treatment
Ringworm is characteristically marked with itchy ,red circular rash (hence the name) and it develops on the top layer of the skin. According to Mayo clinic, ringworm is a fungal infection (despite the name) and can be a stubborn condition to treat. Ringworm can also infect scalp and nails. Castor’s oil’s undecylenic acid is antifungal, which makes it an ideal treatment for ringworm. Rub castor oil on affected area and leave it overnight.

Eye Styes
When an eyelash follicle or an eyelid oil gland becomes blocked with excess oil, debris or bacteria, eye styes can formed. Eye styes can cause watery eyes, pain, tenderness, itching, redness, and sensitivity to light. It often appears as a reddish bump—not a pretty sight. To get rid of eye styes, apply a tiny drop of castor oil directly on stye 2 or 3 times a day.
This list is by no means complete but suffice to say, wow—castor oil can do all that? Yes, and more—castor oil not only promotes beauty but is a mighty force against certain medical ailments. However, always consult a doctor before self-medicating.

Home Remedies for Menopausal Hot Flashes

Of all the discomforts that come with menopause hot flashes are probably the most common and most annoying. “Am I having hot flashes?” you ask. Well lets put it this way, if you have to ask that what you’re feeling are hot flashes then you’re not having hot flashes.

What causes Hot Flashes?
It primarily has to do with the bodies falling estrogen levels and with rapid widening of the blood vessels. This sudden widening lets the blood rush towards the surface of the skin, and that heats up the body.
There are two levels of hot flashes. Mild or moderate flushing will make it seem that you’re the only one around who is warm. In most cases this feeling of warmth does not cause too much sweating, discomfort or other disruptions. This mild or moderate flushing may feel like a nuisance and be a slight bother at work or while sleeping however, these will not interfere with the ability to function.
Severe or extreme flushing, on the other hand can keep you from functioning properly, from getting on with everyday-life. Severe hot flashes including the night sweats will interrupt sleep and will interfere with just about everything. Luckily a lower percentage of women experience these severe disabling hot flashes, most will only have nuisance flashes (‘only’ not being the key word here).

Help comes from using common sense!
Common sense and a little preparation will go a long way when trying to cope with hot flashes.
•Light, loose-fitting clothes can help keep your body temperature down.
•Plan your wardrobe for the next year or two around these hot flashes.
•Layers, layers and layers should be the main or key components for the next while
Let the layering system act as your thermostat.
•A button down cardigan is always easier to take off than a pullover
•A button front blouse is better than that turtleneck when you feel the heat coming on
Cotton, hemp and other natural fibers are usually better at air circulation. (Polyesters will keep the body heat close and not release it as fast as the natural fabrics)
•A personal fan can come in handy when those big flashes strike (these come in the oriental folding kind or battery powered also electrical which can direct a cooling stream of air towards you)
•A loose cotton t-shirt is better for sleeping in than the satin nighty for the duration (keep an extra tshirt near to change into when the night sweats hit)
•Invest in an extra pillow or two with a couple of cotton pillowcases, again for when the night sweats hits
•Lower the thermostat at home and at work (if you can) at a lower temperature. If the surrounding air is cool the flash may pass faster.
Unfortunately summer time is hard for menopausal women as hot flashes are bad enough on their own, but with heat all around it can be almost unbearable. This is when the air conditioner becomes your new best friend. Keep at least one room well air conditioned as a sanctuary.
Recognize what your trigger points are!
Try keeping a hot flash diary so that after a while you will know what can trigger a hot flash record what you were doing, what you ate or drank even if you were worrying about something at the time. Stress, nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, fatty foods and even chocolate can set off an attack at the drop of a hat. Regular everyday activities such as pulling the laundry out of the dryer (hot clothes) or doing the dishes (standing over a sink of steaming water) can bring on or intensify them. Once you recognize what the trigger point is try to pass those chores onto someone else.
Relax When You Feel the Flash
Relax, although hot flashes are very uncomfortable, keeping the whole process in perspective will help. Hot flashes are something that most women will outgrow within a year to eighteen months. To minimize them try to relax, by simply taking some slow deep breaths, taking a cold drink of water, move around and shed an extra layer of clothing. Above all it helps to keep it all in the right context, a sense of humor can go a long way.

Home Remedies:
During menopause a vegetable juice with a beet juice base is one of the most useful of vegetable juices. However because beets are so powerful they should always be mixed with other vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, celery and tomato (each of these vegetables useful in their own way) and apples.
Beets are filled vitamins and minerals: Folic acid, beta-carotene, Vitamins A, C, B’s, Niacin, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Chlorophyll.
Celery is rich in active Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamins A, C, B’s, Folic acid and Chlorophyll.
Cucumbers are the best natural diuretic as they contains Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, C, K, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Manganese and Potassium…and are very low in Cholesterol and Sodium.
Tomatoes contain a lot of Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Thiamin, Vitamin A and many more useful elements.
Carrots are very rich in Vitamins A, B, C, E and K contain Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Phosphorus, Sulfur. They help improve digestion etc.
Apples are very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium and are a good source of Dietary Fiber and Vitamin C.

Important facts about beets :
Pure beet juice from both the greens or the bulb helps the body to cleanse and detoxify. This is good for the body in moderation. (moderation being the key word)
Rem: Beets cause both stools and urine to turn red.
Beets are also high in oxalic acid, therefore should not be combined with other vegetables that are high in calcium, such as broccoli. (Oxalic acid together with calcium create an indigestible compound)
Recipe #2
This mixture combines the useful properties of all the vegetable juices: beets, celery, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes and apples for sweetness
4 stalks celery
2 small beets
2 large carrots
2 large firm tomatoes
1 med cucumber
1 large apple

Wash and peel fruits and vegetables.
Keeping the celery leaves
Remove core from apples
Pass through the juicer and enjoy.
Recipe #1 ‘4×4′
To squeeze beet juice, choose small roots, as they are sweeter. Here is one of beet juice recipes:
4 oz beet juice
4 oz carrot juice
4 oz celery stalks
4 cups apple juice
Wash and peel apples and vegetables.
Keeping the celery leaves
Core apples
Pass through the juicer and enjoy.
Drinking 3 small juice glasses (100ml) per day will have a better effect than drugs.
Vegetable and fruit juices made from fresh produce, should be drunk almost immediately. If you need a bit of ‘oomph’ every once in a while add a drop or two of Tabasco sauce or hot sauce.
Drinking a glass of either of these two juices three times a day not only help cool the system will also lower blood pressure and help to cope with the day-to-day stresses. And, of course, will help to remove toxins from the body.

6 Secrets to Boost Metabolism Fast

We can always blame the genetics, but everyone is able to make the most of what they’ve got to be their slimmest, fittest and finest self.  Even if you already know that our metabolism slows down as we age, we have got to find a way get what we truly desire, a healthy fit body.
We found out what real people with high metabolism do right. Adopt their ways to shrink your waist and get in peak shape.

1.  Eat Enough – Right Number of Calories

Cut down on unnecessary calories.  When we say enough, we mean not too low, because if this happens, your body throws the brakes on your metabolism.  It will begin to breakdown some muscles, which we really don’t want to happen.  Knowing your number is key because it means you’ll be aware of exactly how many calories to consume to maintain your weight.

2.  Calculate your calorie burn

You want to drop 1 – 2 pounds in a week?  Shave 500 extra calories a day by eating less, double the effort to work out, or ideally- do both.  Your result is the number of calories per day you need to maintain your current weight.

3.  Make workouts a regular thing

“Doing cardio exercise three to five times a week is associated with a higher metabolic rate at rest,” says Wayne Westcott, PhD, professor of exercise science at Quincy College, in Quincy, Mass. That means that even when out of the gym, your body is burning above and beyond what it would have had you never hauled butt over there. And there’s new research to show how you can boost your rate while you’re exercising, too. You’ve probably heard of Tabata, a workout in which, for four minutes, you alternate 20 seconds of all-out effort with 10 seconds of rest. When Michele Olson, PhD, professor of exercise physiology at Auburn University, in Auburn, Ala., had subjects try it with squat jumps, they burned 13.5 calories per minute; most moderate-intensity cardio burns just 6 or 7 calories per minute. “You can do it with almost any exercise,” she says, like sprints, jumping jacks or—better yet—burpees.

4.  Don’t blow off lifting

A pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat. Up to nine times the amount, in fact. “Lifting weights is the top way to stave off age-related metabolic drop,” says Pamela Peeke, MD, assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. For some key moves to incorporate into your workouts twice a week,

5.  No to Yo-Yo diet

Another reason not to let your weight seesaw: You’ll hamstring your metabolism. “My patients with the lowest metabolisms are the weight cyclers,” says Scott Isaacs, MD, clinical instructor of medicine at the Emory University School of Medicine. “When you lose weight, you lose muscle and fat, but when you gain it back, it’s mostly fat, which burns fewer calories.”  The popular thought is that weight cycling makes it harder to lose weight each time. But according to a recent study published in the journal, Metabolism, those with a history of weight cycling did just as well in their efforts to lose weight as those who were new dieters.  The bottom line is that it’s okay (and even natural) to cycle. The goal, however, is to stay close to your baseline so you don?t have to struggle to lose the same 20, 30, 40 pounds all over again.

6.  Get a bedtime snack

Take note that this applies only if you’re exercising regularly. If not, then you should start doing so.  Two recent Florida State University studies found that having 150 calories about 30 minutes before you go to sleep—that’s an extra 150 calories added to your day, not taken out of your daily allotment—boosted metabolism in the morning, compared with having none. For best results, go for protein like low-fat milk or cottage cheese.

How to Incorporate Coconut Oil Into Your Diet

Coconut oil is reputed to have numerous health benefits, including healthy weight loss, the lowering of blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and help for thyroid abnormalities. Whether or not these claims are substantiated, we don’t know–the research is still coming in. But we do know that coconut oil contains lauric acid. Benefits of lauric acid are many – for example, it makes the body produce monolaurin, a monoglyceride with an antimicrobial action. Coconut oil has a higher smoking point than many other vegetable oils. It also tastes good. Virgin coconut oil is popular on the market, touted for its superiority over coconut oil derived from dried coconut, or copra. Coconut oil is versatile and easy to incorporate into recipes. Here are tips for how to incorporate coconut oil into your diet so you can see for yourself if the health benefits are real.

Why Use Coconut Oil? Health Benefits Research and Speculation
In the olden days, if you told a doctor you wanted to incorporate coconut oil into your diet, you’d be looked at askance and lectured on the health hazards of saturated fats. Coconut oil was considered one of the worst of the saturated fats offenders, a potential cause of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Yet by and large these studies, conducted in previous decades, used hydrogenated coconut oil, a trans-fat, instead of virgin coconut oil or expeller pressed, trans-fat-free coconut oil in their research.

Since then, according to lipid biochemistry researcher Mary G. Enig. PhD, a number of studies have been conducted using non-hydrogenated coconut oil. These research studies have told a different story. While the field of nutrition is always in flux, the results look promising. A 2004 study appearing in Clinical Biochemistry demonstrated that eating virgin coconut lowered the cholesterol (both total and LDL, the “bad cholesterol”) and triglycerides in lab mice.

Although the jury is still out on the overall benefits of coconut oil for humans, and more studies need to be done, the oil is now being hailed as the “healthy” saturated fat. Even though you can still find warnings against the saturated fat of coconut oil at medical and food regulating government sites, many testimonials can also be found online and in books paying tribute to its health benefits, citing weight loss, lowered cholesterol, hair benefits, skin benefits, and even its effectiveness as a natural deodorant. (The hair benefits at least have been tested–see the study conducted in India comparing the effects of applying coconut oil, sunflower oil and mineral oil to hair–coconut oil wins hand’s down.)

In the end, time and further research will tell whether or not the health benefits, if any, make it worthwhile to incorporate coconut oil into your diet every day.

Cooking With Coconut Oil Tips
•Never heat coconut oil past the smoking point. Don’t re-use coconut oil when frying. If it turns yellow, discard it.
•Store coconut butter at room temperature. If stored in the refrigerator, it will be too hard to use. Coconut oil turns solid in cooler weather (68 degrees Fahrenheit) and becomes liquid in warm weather.
•Coconut butter’s tendency to firm up when cooled can be used to advantage to create creamy confections that don’t need egg or starch to thicken them when stored in the refrigerator.
•Use virgin coconut oil in dishes, baked goods or snacks in which you don’t mind the strong coconuty taste.
•Use the more bland-tasting expeller pressed coconut oil for frying, baking and in cooking meals that you prefer not to taste like coconut.

Incorporate Coconut Oil Into These Foods
Here are some ideas that can help you incorporate coconut oil into your diet daily:
•Spread virgin coconut oil on toast or bagels instead of butter. For a more flavorful version, make a “buttery” spread by whipping up coconut oil, olive oil, salt and chopped garlic. Store in the fridge.
•Melt virgin coconut oil over steamed broccoli, brussels sprouts or other veggies.
•Add virgin coconut oil to soups as a last-minute addition. The soups will be more filling, and its flavors will disguise some of the coconuty taste. Warning: Do a taste test first on a spoonful to make sure the tastes are compatable.
•Blend a smoothie with coconut oil. The key to incorporating coconut oil into a smoothie is to melt the coconut oil first if it’s in a solid state, and then to use all room-temperature ingredients, such as bananas, nuts, etc. Any cold ingredient or chilling of the smoothie will cause the coconut oil to de-emulsify as it chills. Adding citrus such as lemon or orange can help make a non-cold smoothie taste refreshing.
•Use coconut oil instead of shortening or butter in baked goods such as muffins, cookies and cake. Use slightly less (subtract about 2 tablespoons per cup) than the recipe calls for.
•Incorporate coconut oil into pie crust recipes. If replacing oil in an oil-based pie crust, use the same quantity. If replacing butter or shortening, reduce the amount by 1-2 tablespoons and chill it in the refrigerator for no more than five minutes to get it into a solid state but not so hard it can’t be cut with a pastry cutter or fork.

Does Coconut Oil Have Omega 3 Fatty Acids?
Omega 3 fatty acids come from fish, flaxseed, grass-fed beef and some other sources. Although coconut oil has many virtues, omega 3 fatty acids are not one of them. Don’t be fooled by false claims. Unless omega 3 fatty acids have been added in, natural coconut oil does not contain them. What coconut oil does have are medium chain fatty acids such as lauric acid.

What are Coconut Oil Supplements?
Some people prefer not to incorporate coconut oil into their diet, either because it’s too much effort or they don’t like the taste of coconut. For these folks, it’s quicker and more convenient to use coconut oil supplements in softgel or capsule form. When you shop for supplements, check the ingredients, as sometimes other ingredients are added. Make sure the label says “virgin” or “extra virgin” (even though that’s a misnomer).

7 Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger

Are you training furiously in an attempt to get stronger? You may not be looking to become the World’s Strongest Man or Woman, you may just want to be able to get through a tough workout or easily pick up your five-year-old.
But what happens when all the hard work and training doesn’t pay off? Are you doing something wrong? Here are a few possible reasons why you’re not seeing growth and progress:
1. Lack of Change
If you do the same program every day for six months, your muscles will acclimate to the workout. The key: switch things up. Do the same workout every day for four to six weeks, and then change to a new workout. Whether you change the number of reps, the type of exercise you do, or the type of weight you use, change is for the better.
2. Not Enough Intensity
When you push yourself properly, you finish your workout with zero energy left. You should be working at 70 to 100 percent intensity. What does that mean? Say you’re doing a set of 12 to 15 reps—you should be able to hit 15 on the first set, but no more than 12 on the final set. When you can barely complete your workout with the proper form, you know you’re doing it right.
3. Wrong Environment
Do you train at home? Perhaps you’re not doing as much as you should. There’s always that temptation to take things easy when you’re in the comfort of your own bedroom or garage. Why not change your environment? You may find that joining a spinning class, working with a trainer or jogging in a gym will help you up the intensity and improve your results.
4. Lack of Goals
If you never plan to make progress, you never will. You should be working toward increasing the weight on each exercise and set specific goals like “increase bench press by five pounds in three weeks.” These small goals help you stay focused on the results you want and can help you get stronger faster.
5. Insufficient Recovery Time
Pushing your muscles is important, but letting them rest is equally important. You should not work the same muscles out two days in a row, as that’s how you stymie muscle growth. Give your muscles at least 48 hours of rest, or 72 hours if you really shred them. This will give them time to recover, which means grow new muscle fibers. You also need to eat properly, as nutrition is the key to muscle growth.
6. Too Much Time between Sets
This may sound silly, but it’s true. When working out, you only need to give your muscles 30 to 45 seconds of rest between each exercise. Don’t rest for too long. Use a stopwatch to help keep yourself moving from one exercise to the next.
7. Improper Technique
Improper technique won’t just increase your risk of injuries, but it will also decrease your results. Maintain the proper form and make sure that you are only using the muscles that are involved in the exercise. Adding more weight may not be wise if you don’t have the right form.

The 4 Worst Carbs You Can Eat (And What to Replace Them With)

Diets that cut out carbohydrates are all over the place. These diets often promise huge weight loss in a short amount of time…as long as you simply cut carbs completely from your daily foods. But the truth is, not all carbs are created equal.
Some of the best foods to fuel you pre- and post-workout happen to be carbs, such as fruits, beans and whole grains. While these carbs are great, there a several that don’t do much for your diet—these are often heavily processed, which means they have been stripped of any nutritional value and can easily lead to weight gain and blood sugar spikes. Often, these are labeled as “white” carbs, such as the white sugar and white flour you find in many baked goods and pastas. Luckily, you don’t have to give these up completely. With a few easy and tasty switches, you can have your cake and eat it too.
1. White Sugar
This overly-processed sugar spikes your blood sugar quickly and can lead to crashes, weight gain and loads of health hazards. New research also shows that this type of sugar is highly addictive, making you crave more after each crash. Instead of plain white sugar, swap it for unprocessed natural sugars and sweeteners. Look for liquid sweeteners such as molasses, honey or pure maple syrup. And make sure to use it in moderation. For regular granulated sugars, try unprocessed sugar in the raw or low-glycemic coconut sugar.
2. White Flour
White all-purpose flour is wheat flour that has been stripped of nutrients, bleached to neutralize color, and then sometimes re-fortified to make it a bit healthier again. Much like sugar, white flour is digested quickly and contains little nutritional value, so it makes your blood-sugar levels rise, leads to weight gain and often leaves you hungry soon after consuming. Instead of forgoing flour completely, make the swap to whole grain flours that contain filling fiber, nutrients and even protein. Remember this holds true for not only the bag of flour you buy, but for items that are made from flour—including breads, pastas and pizzas. Look for healthier whole-grain options for all your flour-based foods, like whole-wheat flour, brown-rice flour, spelt flour or teff flour.
3. White Rice
White rice, much like white sugar and flour, has been stripped of the husk, or outer layer, that contains the fiber, proteins and nutrients. Instead of consuming white rice, try switching to brown rice in your casserole and stir-fry. You could even use wild rice or black rice or a seed such as quinoa or couscous to add a variety of flavor, as well as pack a nutritional punch.
4. Alcohol
This is often the forgotten culprit. Many alcohols contain large amounts of carbs and sugars. These carbs contain little nutritional value and some studies suggest your body converts them to sugar at a higher rate than white sugars and flours. This means you might be more likely to gain weight and have blood-sugar levels spike from drinking alcohol than from eating carbs. Unfortunately, there are no real swaps for this. The key here is moderation. Have one or two drinks instead of three or four. In between drinks, flush out your system with water. You could even switch to a non-alcoholic drink, such as sparkling water with lemon and lime, as your cocktail of choice.

Naturally Cure Your Asthma With Lemon Juice

Although there still a lack of conclusive scientific evidence that lemon juice does in fact help with asthma, current evidence on the health benefits of lemon juice appears promising. For thousands of years, people drank lemon juice for a variety of health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of asthma. It is believed that the high concentrations of vitamin C and anti-oxidants are the primary factor behind the juice’s benefits for asthma.
How Lemon Juice Helps Asthma
According to research, vitamin C helps to improve the immune system which may in turn help a person become more resistant to external factors that trigger an asthma attack. It may also keep the lungs feeling stronger and more capable of breathing easier. Lemon juice is also a popular anti-oxidant. This helps with asthma because it combats anything that enters the lungs that the body considers an allergen that may start an asthma attack. Other properties of lemon juice may also combat asthma. Lemons are a powerful antiseptic which may kill bacteria in the body that may make a person ill and cause a buildup of mucus, both of which may bring on an attack.

How to Use Lemon Juice for Asthma
To use the juice for health benefits, a good lemon juice recipe is necessary. While it is enough to simply drink lemon juice on its own or diluted with water, pairing it with other foods that are beneficial for asthma make it a nearly perfect remedy. A health juice guide typically recommends mixing lemon juice, water and a dash of ginger in a drink to help combat asthma. This is because ginger has several anti-inflammatory properties which may help with the restricted airways associated with an asthma attack. Alternatively, you may also drink the juice as lemonade, provided that only fresh lemons are used.
While lemon juice may prove beneficial for many people with asthma, it is possible that it may not be as effective for certain asthmatics, primarily anyone who suffers from gene-related asthma. It must further be noted that anyone considering using lemon juice for asthma should first consult a physician. Lemon juice should also not replace any traditional methods of treatment for asthma.

7 Natural Tips to Move Your Bowels

How do I get my bowels moving naturally?
This is the big question. I will give you some simple, natural ways to get your bowel health back on track, but remember, depending on how long the constipation has been going on, it may take a bit of time to reverse and none of my suggestions include taking supplements. The following suggestions are for those who aren’t obese. If you are obese or have a large amount of extra weight then please skip suggestion 1-4 and go straight to suggestions 5-7.
7  Tips on How to Get Your Bowels Moving Naturally
1.)Increase the amount of oil in your diet. Your bowels aren’t moving because you are dried out. You can replace the dryness by adding good, natural oils to your meals. This includes eating foods that naturally have oil in them such as avocados, nuts and seeds. For some people they could be eating these foods but still not having regular movements and to that I would say you still need more oil.
2.)Avoid dry foods. Dry foods require more moisture to digest which means it takes it from your body. Eat foods that are naturally moist and or cooked but not dry. The worse foods to eat if your bowels aren’t moving are rice cakes, ryvita, popcorn, dried fruits, granola and museli to name a few.
3.)Oil your skin. If your skin is dry this is a good indicator that internally you are dry and oiling the skin will help bring moisture from the outside in. Sunflower is a safe oil to put on the outside of your skin. Don’t worry about pimples or skin eruptions, basically if the oil is of good quality it will be absorbed by the skin and used in the body.
4.)Avoid raw food. If your diet is based mostly of raw foods and you still aren’t having a bowel movement then you should come off the raw food until the bowels are moving again and then start with the raw food in the summer. It takes a certain enzyme to digest raw food which is completely different than the enzyme we need to break down cooked foods. During the warmer time of the year we have an easier time adjusting our diets to raw. Make sure you educate yourself about how to eat healthy if you do want to stay on your raw diet. You should be having regular full movements if you do eat raw foods and if you are missing bowel movements then I strongly suggest you seek advise or stop and get digestion back on track before you proceed.
There is yet another category of us who are very heavy and aren’t having regular movements. Here are my suggestion for you.
5.) Give your body a cleanse. If you are heavy and have never cleansed your body then my suggestion is that you do. Cleansing requires some will power and so asking a friend or getting yourself a health coach would be recommended. You need to have someone you are accountable to in order for the cleanse to work. There are a few ways of cleaning the body:
Juice fasting: decide to only drink juice (that you make yourself) for a certain number of days. In the beginning you may want to try 1 or 2 days and then once you know you can do it you may want to increase it to a 5 day juice fast. I suggest you juice all organic fresh fruits and vegetables for your fast
Fasting: I know this isn’t going to be a popular choice, but fasting once a week has been proven to improve any health condition. Choose 1 day a week where you will drink only water and eat nothing solid. This will allow your body a break. Choose the same day every week to make it simple.
6.) Avoid bread, pasta and cereal. This is high on my list of getting the bowels moving again. These foods tend to be heavy and create stagnation in the body and make you put on weight. We become addicted to the simple carbohydrate “highs” but what happens is after the high we have a very deep low and energy plummets. Avoid this by replacing your bread, pasta or cereal with whole grains.
7.) Increase whole grains in your diet. Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that give us energy over time and are much more efficient fuel to burn. Whole grains include rice, quinoa, barley, millet, amaranth and oats. Yes, I said rice and I do mean white rice, but what I don’t mean is Uncle Bens or a quick cooking rice. Rice only needs about 20 minutes to cook and is one of the simplest food items to digest.
There are my top 7 ways to get your bowels moving naturally. Remember that we are all individual and the best results will be if you are working one on one with a health coach.

How to Keep Your Throat Healthy With 6 Easy Tips

We rarely give much thought to our throat unless it begins to hurt, feel dry, or make no sounds when you wake up. When this happens, we go from not giving our throats much though to not giving much thought to anything else. Especially when we feel pain every time we swallow. Then we run around looking for something to take to help it return to normal.
During flu and cold season, most of us are getting better at preparing to head off as many germs as possible. We build up our immune system, get a flu shot, wash our hands more often, and learn to direct our cough and sneezes into our bent arms.
You can’t be a part of the human race and not come into contact with all sorts of germs and people who are sick. Practicing good health habits is the best way to avoid getting sick.
6 Ways For Keeping Your Throat Healthy
Your throat is a finely tuned structure of tissues, nerves, glands, and blood vessels. It needs looking after. If you overuse some of the delicate organs and tissues of the throat, you’ll end up with problems or even damage to those organs and tissues.
Learning how to take care of your throat is easy, and in most cases the benefits are well worth the effort. Here are six of my favorite ways for keeping your throat healthy.
1. Protect Your Throat from Cold Temperatures
Get in the habit of wearing a scarf around your neck to keep the throat area warm. Do you know that the neck is one of the most overlooked sources of heat loss? Anywhere from 40-50% of our body heat can be lost from the surface of the head and neck. Changes in extreme temperature, such as going from a heated car into the cold outside and vice versa, should be avoided when possible.
2. Avoid Sharing Eating Utensils
Don’t ever drink from the same glass, cup, or bottle that someone else is using, as you may be at risk of cross-contamination. The same is true for sharing eating utensils and even napkins.
3. Clean Your Toothbrush
One source of infection that is overlooked by most people is the toothbrush. Left overnight, it can be a potential source of problem for the throat and mouth. Every morning, before brushing the teeth, soak your toothbrush in a glass of hot salt water (a teaspoon will suffice). This will help to disinfect the toothbrush and also helps keep it clean.
4. Gargle With Salt
Gargle every night with a mixture of warm water and salt. Just a pinch of salt will do. During cold and flu season, this is a habit that will help to disinfect the mouth and throat. This is a timeless remedy, in fact — your grandmother probably knew the benefits of making this a habit. If you catch a sore throat early enough, salt water will give you fast relief.
Bonus tip: Salt water can also be used to clear a stuffy nose. Just lightly sniff the above mixture into each nostril. You’ll instantly begin breathing better through the nose.
5. Use Honey and Ginger To Protect Your Throat
One of the very best ways to protect the throat is with ginger juice and honey. After a good brush in the morning, squeeze a little fresh ginger juice (3-4 ml) with 5 ml of honey, and see for yourself what a good insurance policy this is for protecting your throat all day.
I make my own ginger juice by boiling 2-3 slices of real ginger (found in the vegetable section), then cooling it a little.
I have also used turmeric. Simply take 1/2 cup of hot water and add a pinch of salt and 5 grams of turmeric powder to it. Drink this every night during cold and flu season to protect your throat.
Another tip for relieving sore throat pain is to gargle with warm water and cayenne pepper.
6. Vocal Warm Ups For Professionals and Teachers
Daily vocal warm ups are a must for singers, speakers, doctors, actors and the like. However, not just any warm ups will do. In fact, some warm ups can do more damage to the throat than not engaging in any warm ups.
Slow, gentle humming on comfortable tones are excellent warm-ups. Feel for vibrations across the mask area. To keep the lips loose and relaxed, include the buzzing sound (buzz your lips the same way you would on a baby’s belly to make the baby giggle).
Sigh lightly on a soft ‘ahhhh,’ feeling completely relaxed. Even yawning is an excellent warm up for the voice.

Amazing Health Benefits of Mulberries

Benefits of Mulberry
In China, mulberry trees are used not just to feed silkworms for the silk industries, but also eaten for its extraordinary health benefits. Mulberries are regarded as a health tonic and the Chinese uses the leave for tea and the berries as syrup. Known to protect many known diseases and used as a traditional medicine, mulberry fruits are now becoming very popular outside China. Let’s explore the many health benefits of mulberries.
Health Benefits of Mulberry
Mulberry trees grow not only in China, but in other temperate countries like the United States as well
The mulberry fruits are small, plumb yet juicy that are nice to eat and have many health benefits, which are:
•Strengthens Eyesight: Regular consumption of mulberry will help strengthen your eyesight
Hair growth and gray hair: Mulberry juice when applied directly on the head is suppose to help blacken your gray hair and promotes healthy growth
•Cancer: Mulberry is rich in resveratol that is believed to help prevent cancer
Immune System: High in Vitamin C and flavonoids, it is a natural booster for flu and other minor ailments. Mulberry also helps with your gastric problems and with chronic hepatitis.
Mulberry as a Brain tonic: With its high content of choline, mulberry is a good brain tonic which helps with your memory
•Source of protein: Mulberry is one of the very few fruits with protein, which helps with muscle building.
•Arthritic pain: With its anti inflammatory properties, it helps reliefs arthritic pain
Diabetes: The flavonoids in mulberry assists in controlling the sharp rise of blood sugar
•Post Pregnancy: Eating mulberry after childbirth, is good to bring back energy and health.
•Cholesterol: Eating mulberry on a regular basis will keep your cholesterol level low. It will also strengthen your liver and kidney.
•Constipation: Mulberry, with its high fiber content, will help treat constipation.
•Hypertension: Help contains hypertension.
•Enhances appetite: Regular consumption of mulberry will improve the digestive and assimilating function and hence will enhance the appetite level.
•Calms the nerves: Nutritional content of the berry will help enhance the blood and indirectly calms the nerves.
Benefits of Mulberries and Its Nutritional Values
Mulberriy is great when eaten for breakfast as it is rich in many health-benefiting plant derived anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals and will start you day right.
It is low in Sodium, Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. Mulberry is a good source of Protein, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C and K. It is also a very good source of Resveratol, Riboflavin, Choline, Potassium, Flavonoids and Iron.
If you do not have time to sit down for breakfast, just carry with you the dried mulberries and have them on the go.
Eating Mulberry
There are several varieties of mulberries available. There the red, dark purple, white and pink mulberry varieties. All the varieties will be sticky moist when ripe. The red and dark purple mulberries tend to taste more like blackberry. The white mulberry has a honey sweetness while the pink variety is sticky sweet.
Fresh Mulberry
Mulberry can be eaten fresh, and if you like, with cream and honey. They can be added to your salad and great as jams, jellies and syrups. They don’t freeze well so if you have a lot of mulberries, use it immediately. Because of its high water content and thin skins, they tend to get moldy or ferment fast. If you have a lot, it is best to turn them into jams, syrups or bake as cakes.
Dried Mulberry
Dried mulberry is more crunchy and is a good healthy snack. It can also be used as pie fillings and as mulberry muffins. For some variety, you can add it to your cookies, cakes, ice creams and yogurts.

Health Benefits of Apricot Seed or Kernel

Apricot always reminds me of Jarod Kintz’s quote that says ““I love apricots. They’re so fuzzy they’re furry. They’re like little pets you can eat legally.” Ahh, how sweet!
These fuzzy and furry little pets are actually loaded with all the nutritional benefits and have earned itself the title of one of the world’s healthiest food. For example, its high mineral content will assists people with anemia, asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis.
But wait, not only is the fruit full of health benefits, the apricot seed or kernel is also equally good. Although surrounded with controversy on its claim to cure cancer, the overall benefits outweigh the underlying fear of eating the apricot seeds.
Just like pomegranate and dates, eating apricot seed is very common and popular in the Middle East and considered one of their traditional and herbal medicine.
Health Benefits of Apricot Seed or Kernel
In summary the health benefits of eating apricot seed or kernel are as follows:
It is claimed that vitamin B17 helps in the prevention of cancer. Apricot seed has the highest percentage of B17 in any fruits and consuming this seed will help prevent cancer.
Vitamin B17, and hence apricot seed, also helps to lower high blood pressure
Helps to reduce pain associated with arthritis.
Help to maintain the general health and well-being. Hence, it will strengthen the ability to resist infections like colds and flu
Most people eat apricot seeds not just for the overall general well-being, but because of its property to prevent cancer. Let us explore this further.
Controversy in its claim to cure cancer
Dr. Ernts T. Krebs, an American biochemist, had advanced the theory that cancer is not caused by any particular virus or bacteria, but a deficiency in essential nutrients. He concluded that Vitamin B17, commonly known as Amygdalin or Laetrile, could prevent cancer. This was back in 1952.
His finding, however, was not accepted by cancer researchers and dubbed as quackery
Cyanide in B17
Another issue with vitamin B17 is its content of one part cyanide, one part benzaldehyde and two parts glucose. Critics of B17 warned the danger of eating apricot seeds (which has the highest content of B17 or laetrile) and even suggested that it can be fatal. This is largely due to its cyanide content.
Will eating apricot seed or kernel be fatal?
An apricot seed contains just about half mg of cyanide (Holzbecker, Moss & Ellenberger 1984). Based on a report by the Committee on Toxicity (2006), dosage of between 0.5 – 3.5 mg per kg of body weight can be fatal. Hence, a man weighing 175 lb. has to consume 40mg to 280 mg that is equivalent to about 80-560 apricot seeds, per day, for it to be fatal.
It is claimed that about five milligram of cyanide is considered sufficient to prevent cancer. This is equivalent to eating 10 apricot seeds per day. It is also claimed that to combat existing cancer, you will need to consume 50 apricot seeds.
This is all below the danger zone.
There has been no reported death due to cyanide poisoning (related to eating apricot seeds) except for the reported death of two Turkish children after eating apricot seeds that happened in 1957 & 1962. However, the amount was not documented.
As a comparison, gm. per gm. Aspirin is more toxic than laetrile. However, it is always best to take apricot seed in smaller amount initially and consult a doctor that practices natural medicine for any further guidance. This will give the full health benefits of apricot seed.
Will it cure my cancer if I am already in Stage Four and above?
Unfortunately, due to the low dosage of B17 in apricot seed, it will not have any major effect on cancer that has reached a serious Stage Four and above.
Buying Apricot Seeds or Kernels
To get the best health benefits of apricot seed, be sure to buy only RAW apricot seed as others will have the beneficial enzyme destroyed in the preparation process.
Eating Apricot Seeds
Apricot seed is bitter in taste and It has to be chewed until it liquefies. To help with this bitter taste, I had a bit of honey together with the seed. Now, I take them direct as I had gotten used to the taste.
It is best eaten before meal.
Other Uses of Apricot Seed or Kernel
Apricot Seed in Cooking
The benefit of apricot seed is now available in oil form!
It is used for cooking and in the flavoring of amaretto, a traditional Italian liquor.
You can also use it as salad oil. It is however, an expensive oil, but its many health benefits may well justify its high cost.
Apricot Seed Oil in Cosmetic
Apricot seed oil is rich in sterois, fatty acids, Vitamin E & A and can help moisturize and nourish skin especially for dry and mature skins. It is widely used in cosmetics especially in creams, soaps and skin lotions.
The oil is easily absorbed by the skin and will not leave an oily residue. Hence, it is popular as a massage oil as well as sunbathing oil.
It is also used as a base in aromatherapy blends.

Top 10 Incredible Health Benefits of Pumpkin

This fast growing vine plant creeps along ground surface like cucumber, squash and cantaloupes. It is more than just a Halloween decoration or pie fillings.  this orange gourds are nutrient-dense but low in calorie, even its seeds offer extreme benefits too.  This contains Vitamins A, B-Complex, C, E, Potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as leutin, xanthin and a lot more.  They very much favored in their beta carotene  content, a pre-cursor to Vitamin A.
Here are the top 10 benefits of this Incredible fruit:
1.  Improves Eye Health
Vitamin A aids our vision, especially in dim or low light, it helps protect the corneas.  This is useful for maintaining healthy skin, tissues and mucus membranes too.  Pumpkins are packed with carotenoids that help alleviate the risk of age-related macular degeneration and prevents cataracts.

2.  Boosts Immunity
These are a storehouse of many anti-oxidant  vitamins like A, C and E, plus iron, magnesium and others.  Vitamin A is important for the tissues to protect from pathogens.   Beta-carotene also has immune-stimulating properties too.

3. Supports Weight Loss
These is low in calorie, high in fiber and potassium.  Fiber will keep you feel full thus helps in controlling appetite while potassium helps flush out water and salt thus reducing water weight.  A low glycemic load diet is believed to be more satiating than a high glycemic load diet. Low glycemic load restores your energy balance through increased satiety and reduced food consumption.

4.  Reduces Inflammation
The carotenoids responsible for their bright orange color also provide anti-inflammatory benefits.  The beta-carotene also helps prevent the buildup of cholesterol in arterial walls. Alpha-carotene slows the process of aging and prevents the growth of tumors. The antioxidant vitamin E protects against certain cancers and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, too.
Just 1/2 cup of pumpkin provides more than 100 percent of your recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of beta- and alpha-carotene.

5.  Aids Digestion
Being high in fiber, it helps in digestion, efficient absorbs the nutrients.  This prevents constipation, adds bulk to stool and absorbs water thus controlling diarrhea.   Raw pumpkin juice heals stomach acidity. You can simply drink a cup of pumpkin juice mixed with a little honey 3 times a day for relief. Preferably, take it about 30 minutes before meals. It can also help remove intestinal worms and works as a mild sedative.

6.  Promotes Younger-Looking skin
Main ingredient that helps in giving younger looking skin is Vitamin A and Beta carotene.  Vitamin A gives anti-aging property while beta carotene helps reduce skin damage caused by the sun.  Vitamin C and E content encourages collagen production and promotes glowing complexion, giving you improve skin health.   Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, in this superfood helps reduce signs of aging like skin spots. In addition to eating pumpkins, you can also apply pumpkin juice or pulp on your skin.

7.  Post Workout Food
Pumpkins are great food option after workouts, plus sweet potatoes and squash too. These starchy and nutrient-dense foods provide carbohydrates and, unlike fruits, replenish muscle glycogen first instead of liver glycogen. This is particularly useful when you are striving to gain weight or muscle. It is also beneficial for those undergoing athletic training.
A cup of cooked pumpkin or pumpkin smoothie will also help refuel your potassium levels to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body after a tough workout.

8.  Prenatal Power Food
Pumpkins and roasted seeds are good for expectant mothers for a lot of prenatal development.  Plus, it can relieve abdominal cramps and aids digestive process.  Pumpkin also contains iron, carries oxygen to the baby, and prevents anemia to the mother too.

9.  Promotes Fertility
Pumpkins and pumpkin seeds have B-Complex content that support fertility. Antioxidant vitamin E, too, has been shown to improve fertility in both men and women.  It protects cell membranes from toxic compounds, improves sperm health and motility, and increases endometrial thickness in women with thin uterine linings.  Pumpkin seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that have fertility-boosting benefits. They help increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, regulate reproductive hormones and reduce stress.

10.  Lowers High Blood Pressure
The high potassium content in pumpkins is responsible in controlling high blood pressure. Its vitamin C also reduces blood pressure. A cup of cooked canned pumpkin meets 20 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement.  Plus, the high vitamin A in this superfood promotes proper functioning of the heart, lungs and kidneys. Its rich fiber content also keeps cholesterol levels in check, thus decreasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Herbal Remedies VS Pharmaceutical Drugs

Traditional herbal medicine has been around for centuries. The naturally occurring plant derived substances have little or no industrial processing. Compared to manufactured pharmaceutical medicines. that destroy the land, the environment and there is also some research, that pharmaceutical medicines may be linked to spike in children born with autism. So this suggests to me, that some pharmaceutical drugs are doing more harm than good and effecting humans’ right down to their DNA.

Medicinal Herbs have been more widely used in other countries such as Europe, Africa and China.

However, increasing demand in the USA is leading to much debate on legislation, funding for research and investments. Although I am thrilled that the USA is recognizing the increasing demand, I also know that this great country of ours is motivated by money. We want things fast, factual and we want it NOW! Clinical trials take time and money. Investors are mainly not doctors, medicine practitioners or other acknowledged experts in the field. They are corporations with money that want to make more money. It has been said that many pharmaceutical companies have come under scrutiny in recent years because of marketing practices and priorities including pressure for favorable results.

Medicinal herbs, as with nature itself, are not cut and dry. Dosing and side effects are not clearly defined enough yet for a global market, to be worth it for some investors. Too little of a particular herb may do minimal or no healing, where as too much of a particular herb or combination of herbs and pharmaceuticals the individual is already taking can do harm. So reaching a mass market presents many FDA obstacles.
This is why on all organic or wild harvested herbal distributor sites you will always see the byline: Statements not evaluated by the FDA, nor intended for medical advice.

Luckily, we are a land of free thinkers and tradition. Recipes have been taught through generations and documented; the internet provides more awareness so we can make educated decisions. I could go on all day about pharmaceutical manufacturing companies verse natural medicinal herbs regarding our health, the environment, our children… but I won’t. I want people to wake up and be more aware of what they are putting into their bodies and their DNA!

I mean, do people really watch those commercials that tell you about a supposedly “new” drug for the endless things people complain about and then run to their doctor for a prescription? When they list the side effects that can be caused by their “new drug”, a little ache in my joints from time to time or my eyelashes are a little skimpy, seems small beans, compared to blood in stool, cardiac arrest, etc…

I’m not suggesting that all manufactured pharmaceuticals are toxic and there is a definite need for some pharmaceutical drugs. However, the mass production of pharmaceutical drugs are polluting the earth’s oceans, streams and rivers.

Remember that plants have a balance, as does everything in nature. Many pharmaceutical drugs are using one extract of the herb. In doing this the “natural balance” that the whole plant contained is not in place. This is why people bloat, have constipation, etc.

Cooling and Cleansing: The Benefits of Rose Water

Benefits of Rose Water
The qualities, valuable secrets and benefits of rose water were discovered through an ancient romantic story that relates as follows. An emperor in ancient Persia, for his royal wedding to a princess, once ordered rose water to be filled in his imperial fountains. After their marriage, as the royal couple was taking a walk through the lovely gardens, tiny drops were seen on the surface of the rose water fountain. These tiny drops were rose oil droplets that had been formed under the warm streaming sunshine. The curious empress was intrigued to find that the droplets, when touched, had an oily feel and a beautiful scent emitted from them. Thus, the benefits of rose water, along with rose oil, were first discovered in Persia.
What is Rose Water?
Rose water is basically a by-product of rose oil through distillation of pure fresh rose petals. To make even a little of this oil, a large number of rose petals are used hence making this delicate extraction very expensive. Rose water can be found in Vitamin stores and some supermarkets but this processed type usually contains chemicals and artificial preservatives that are less effective and are less beneficial than pure rose water. The benefits of rose water can be enjoyed by simply making it at home. This can be done by storing fresh rose petals in a jar filled with distilled water and placing them under the sunshine for a number of days. Watch the video at the end of this article for instructions on how to make rose water.
Did you know that rose water has several benefits? The benefits of rose water include:
Beauty Skin Care:
Generally rose essence, that is rose water and rose oil, is used in various therapeutic preparations especially facial or skin treatment. Pure natural rose water is 100% free from artificial ingredients and perfumes and is used as a facial cleanser. Cleopatra, famous for her ancient beauty secrets, used rose water in various face masks. It also prevents aging by reducing wrinkles and tightening skin pores. Dry skin can be hydrated by using rose water as a moisturizer. Rose water cleanses the skin, removing dirt, oil and other pollutants from deep inside the skin pores. Amazingly, it can be used on any skin type without causing much irritation. It acts as a cleansing agent as well as a skin toner. For that reason, ancient Romans preferred baths of rose water. The benefits of rose water can be accessed to various types of face masks can be enhanced by adding rose water to dilute, instead of plain water.
Aromatic Cuisine:
The benefits of rose water are extensively exploited in various cuisines throughout the world. Rose water is best known for its beautiful scent hence used in Persian cooking to scent or flavor food especially rice, giving it a distinct fragrance. It is also commonly used in small amounts to flavor foods like Baklava, ice creams, scones, cakes, buns and puddings. In India, rose water is used as one of the ingredients in most delicacies, curries and sweets like Gulab Jamun and Ladoos. Famous biryani dishes in Pakistan use a dash of rosewater to bring out an aromatic flavor.
Drinking Rose water:
One of the benefits of rose water is it can be used to make very nutritious drinks since it is rich in flavonoids, anti-oxidants, tannins and essential vitamins like A, C, D, E and B3. A simple delicious drink can be made by mixing rose water syrup in a cup of cold creamy milk. Rose water is a mild sedative and anti-depressant. It enhances moods, helps relieve nervous tension and improves skin texture. In Malaysia, it is used for its distinct sweet flavor in making a milky sweet drink like Bandung.A simple Persian rose water infused iced tea will help you soothe and calm your mind.
Rose Water vs Rose Essence
Be sure to make a distinction between pure rose water and scented/flavored rose water. Pure rose water is derived by the actual use of real rose petals. Flavored rose water may just be water scented with rose essence and is not the real deal. It is pure rose water that has gentle and compelling uses that are natural and effective.
Benefits of Rose Water- Medicinal Uses
Medicinal uses:
Rose water is a well-known for its natural healing properties as a good anti-septic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory product.
Benefits of Rose Water for Skin infections:
Rose water is used to treat skin infections including dry scaly skin, oily skin, skin inflammation, dermatitis and eczema. Rose water is also a healing agent, and can be used in treating wounds. For sunburns, rose water can be gently rubbed over the affected area or when taking a bath, add a few drops and relax while the magic takes effect.
Insect bites:
When going on a safari or camping in a tropical area, it’s sure to be infested with mosquitoes. Rose water can be applied over insect bites like mosquito bites that easily stop the itchy feeling, reduce the inflammation and cool the area.
Eye Fatigue:
For any eye pain or fatigue, gently dip a cloth in rose water and place it on your eyelids for a soothing feeling that helps cool your eyes.
Rose water is also an astringent which reduces redness or inflammation of skin. Swollen inflamed pimples can be reduced by gently dabbing rose water on the affected area. What’s more – acne scars can be diminished and gotten rid of by making and applying a mixture of sandalwood, lemon juice and rose water on them.
As a disinfectant:
Since it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, rose water can be used as a disinfectant to keep your home or workplace free from bacteria and germs. Use a rose water spritzer which can be made by adding a measureable amount of epsom salt to pure rose water and filling it in a clean and empty spritzer. This mixture can be sprayed on kitchen and bathroom counter tops, shelves, and table tops. Wipe clean with a dry cloth and this will leave a scented and fresh feel. The best part about this is that it is all natural, less expensive and eco-friendly.
Known for its beautiful and unique scent, rose water is accordingly used as an ingredient for shampoos, soaps and air fresheners. Rose water fragrance perfume can be used to keep your body smelling fresh and clean after a bath and prevents bad odors from accumulating due to excessive sweating. One of the eco-friendly benefits of rosewater is it It can also be creatively used to make a room freshener.
Hair Care:
Hair care products and shampoos may use rose water as a key ingredient. It is soothing as well as nourishing to the scalp. Rose water strengthens the root hairs, promotes hair growth and revitalizes the scalp thereby enabling smooth blood flow to the scalp. Keeping the scalp cool and fresh, it also rejuvenates the scalp preventing inflammations. It can be used as a natural hair spray – containing no artificial ingredients, and preventing excessive hair loss. Rose water can act as a wonderful hair conditioner, keeping your hair free from split ends and dry, frizzy hair.

9 Best Shapewears for Every Body Type


Shape up

It’s party season: Time to bust out fun styles while avoiding muffin top, bra bulges and other fashion bummers. To help you find the right support system, we had a team of testers try the latest kinds. Meet your new BFs—body friends.

1.  Bulge buster

Olga On Your Side ($38; Sizes 36-42C, D, DD, 36-38DDD.
Shape strategy: The sides are built extra high with spandex fabric, eliminating underarm bulges (aka sleevage). That means your cups won’t runneth over. Plus, elastic-free edges keep the look seamless.
Tester’s take: “This bra is super lightweight yet still supportive,” said our reviewer, who wore a thin sleeveless dress. “There was no show-through. And it’s very comfy—says the girl who hates bras!”

2.  Waist cincher

Sofia by Sofia Vergara Women’s Waist Nipper ($18; Sizes S-2X.
Shape strategy: It’s perfect under full-skirted dresses or styles that emphasize your midsection. The nipper fastens via hook-and-eye closures and has a healthy dose of spandex (even in the lace panels).
Tester’s take: “This may look like old-school torture, but it’s very stretchy,” our guinea pig reported. “It gave me a nice hourglass waist without being constricting.” Consider sizing up to avoid rolls at either end.

3.  Hip reducer

Ruby Ribbon High Waist Sheer Brief ($59; Sizes S-XXL.
Shape strategy: A hidden elastic (rollproof!) waistband hits just below your bra, while the retro stitching and mesh panels shape and de-bulge midriff, tummy and hips.
Tester’s take: She wore it with a silk shirtdress and gushed, “I was so happy that it smoothed the bumps on my butt and stomach because silk can be so unforgiving! It runs a little small, so I had to size up.”

4.  Bust booster

Fashion Forms U Plunge Backless Strapless Bodysuit ($40; Sizes S-XL.
Shape strategy: It provides invisible support under backless, low-cut and halter styles. A plunging neckline means your bra will never peek out; it also creates wicked cleavage, thanks to reusable silicone “wings” that stick to skin and hold you up. (Just skip the body lotion.)
Tester’s take: “I’m petite but need support up top,” said our staffer of her trial run in a scoop-back dress. “I loved that I felt secure in a risqué style, and it didn’t show through.” Caveat: Not for the very busty.

5.  Thigh compressor

Spanx New & Slimproved Hide & Sleek Mid-Thigh ($68; Sizes S-XL.
Shape strategy: It’s a fresh take on the wildly popular tuck-you-in bike short. Microfiber gives it a barely-there feel, and a double-layer front panel flattens your stomach. Especially great: It doubles as underwear.
Tester’s take: She wore it with a stretchy pencil skirt and “it held me in—in all the right places—and upped my body confidence!”

6.  Smoothing cami

Yummie Tummie Stephanie 2-Way Tank ($34; Sizes S/M-XL.
Shape strategy: This multitasker reverses to a scoop- or V-neck so you can wear it under both necklines to trim your sides and back and hold in your tummy. The high-tech fabric adjusts to your body temperature, cooling you off or warming you up as needed.
Tester’s take: “It fit snugly but not too tightly,” she noted. “The cami smoothed me out under a sheer top without completely flattening my chest and curves.” She also liked that the tank comes in a variety of colors.

7.  Booty lifter

Va Bien Fanny Fabulous Brief ($47; Sizes S-4XL.
Shape strategy: An inner contour band cups your cheeks, providing a rounded silhouette without the bulk of a padded panty. A front panel flattens your stomach and an extra-wide waistband prevents rollover. The center seam is a genius solution for visible panty lines.
Tester’s take: “I wore a leather miniskirt, and these gave me a good back-end lift,” she said. “Also, they’re basically wedgyproof.”

8.  Lower-body slimmer

HookedUp High Waist Shaping Slip ($68; Sizes S-3X.
Shape strategy: This slip with benefits, which fastens to your bra, erases back rolls and bum lumps and downsizes thighs.
Tester’s take: “I wore it under a fitted dress, and its slimming level was insane,” she raved. “Not only did it smooth out my lady lumps, I swear it took my hips in an inch. And the bra hookup prevented the dreaded underboob bulge.”

9.  Trimming tights

No nonsense Great Shapes Blackout Shaping Tights ($9; Sizes S-XL.
Shape strategy: Rock a cocktail dress with no worries about shaping shorts peeking out. These tights have a panty made of spandex, with control extending down the thigh. And the dense, opaque knit has a luxurious look and feel.
Tester’s take: “I felt supported but not confined,” she reported. “The wide waistband doesn’t cut into you. And these were so thick and comfy, they almost felt like leggings.”

8 Stress-Busters for When You Have a Full House Especially During the Holidays

Family members everywhere, gifts to wrap, and an ever-growing to-do list every single day. Keep your stress levels low with these simple, five-minute activities. Holiday is just in the corner and there are more than 20 percent of Americans report “high levels of stress” during this season—and that type of chronic tension isn’t good for your BODY or your MIND.
“The body is set up to have short bursts, get out of harm’s way, and get back to normal,” says MindyGreenstein, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and blogger for Psychology Today. “In the case of prolonged stress, you don’t get that respite, and the body continues churning out cortisol,” or the so-called “stress hormone.”
It would really be comforting to ease your stress with an hour-long massage, but who has the time? Instead, try these stress-busting exercises that are sure to calm you down and make you feel better in just minutes.
1.  Brew a cup of tea
A few sips of a calming blend could be key to unwinding in the midst of craziness. There are researches shows people who drank tea were able to de-stress more quickly than those who drank a tea substitute, and those who specifically drank black tea had lower levels of cortisol after participating in “stressful” events. If black tea isn’t your favorite, go for green, this could also perk up our metabolism.
Lauren Miller, author of 5 Minutes to Stress Relief, says the purpose of any stress-relieving task is that it “distracts us from the brain muck, and gives us a brain break.” Even if your tea choice isn’t scientifically backed, the act of brewing and sipping can be enough to take your mind away from family tension.

2.  Laugh about it.
A lot of experts agree that finding a way to laugh is one of the easiest ways to sidestep stress. But you can’t just chuckle to yourself every time —it has to be real, mirthful laughter. In one study, Midwestern patients who underwent “laughter therapy” had lower levels of self-reported stress.
Laughter activates and relieves your stress response, releases endorphins, the hormones responsible for stress and soothes tension. Keep a playlist of your favourites music/funny videos that never fail to crack you up, and turn to them in those moments when you’re ready to pull out your hair.

3.  Hug it out.
One study showed that hugging and “warm contact” led to lower blood pressure and heart rate compared to adults who were part of a “no contact” control group. The benefits are likely due to oxytocin hormone, the “bonding hormone,” which has also been linked to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels.  So, why not hug every family member or friend, when you get the chance.
“Two of our basic needs as humans are to feel safe and connected,” Miller says. “When we feel safe and connected, our entire perception of the world shifts.”

4.  Count your breaths.
One of the body’s most effective stress relievers is Breathing —but not just any  ordinary breathing. We’re talking about cleansing breaths.
Greenstein has a trick to ensure you’re taking deep, full breaths. Put one hand on your chest, and one on your abdomen, and take a breath. If the hand over your chest begins to rise, you’re taking shallow breaths. Practice until you’re pushing the hand over your abdomen—then begin taking slow, deliberate breaths. “If you feel like a bad moment is coming on, you know that it’s time for your cleansing breaths,” says Greenstein.

5.  Find your center.
Continue your deep breathing one step further with a little zen time. Called “mindful meditation,” just a few brief minutes might reduce cortisol levels, and this might help you find new perspective on stressful situations.
You really have to find a short time for meditation even if this isn’t your thing, a few minutes of mindfulness can be a serious stress reliever.  Sneak into your bedroom or bathroom and close the door to drown out noise and have some alone time.   Headspace app will give you ideas to help you focus.

6.  Read your favorite book.
Taking a few minutes to skim the pages of a good book is both a tactic for relieving stress in the moment, and preventing it before it starts.
“If you’re going to face stressful people, read something that inspires you,” Sood says. It is best to start this in the morning before everyone is awake, or save a stack of your favorite magazines to page through in the middle of a crazy day— this will surely relax your mind.

7.  Step outside.
A 2011 study at the University of Edinburgh found lower cortisol levels in adults who lived in areas with more green spac and taking time to get outside the enclosed areas like your home and office. Take advantage of your favorite winter scent — short walks in the park or forest reduces anxiety and stress in one study.
“Shorter days means less sunlight,” Sood says. “This might bring people more stress.” As it gets darker, our body produces the sleep hormone- melatonin, that leads us to feel sluggish and tired, but when we have a full plate and a full house, that exhaustion can easily translate to a sense of being overwhelmed. Get outside when you can, and soak up the sun, even on chilly days.

8.  Take a snack break.
Dark chocolate and roasted pumpkin seeds, are the foods identified by scientists that might help reduce stress or even chewing gum too. But, as with any science-backed stress buster, you’re the only person better to understand what makes you feel better ib the end of the day.
“Just because science says something ‘on average’ doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be true for you,” Greenstein says. “Gravitate towards the things that feel like they might help.”
Most importantly, avoid striving for perfection, and learn to accept inevitable bumps in the road. “You have to develop this attitude over a period of time, weeks or months,” Sood says. You won’t become zenovernight, and the first time to attempt a stress-free lifestyle is not Thanksgiving morning.
Start today—and by the time your doorbell rings, you might just be ready to take on the entire family.

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