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10 Ways Water Makes You Beautiful

Do you love water? Mmmm… Drenching your body in the shower? In the morning or after a hard day!

Swimming in the ocean or crystal-clear lake, above and below the waves! Rain… Do you love rain?  

Walking in the rain, letting the rain mist your face? Catching drops with your lips like stealing kisses? Smelling the trees and flowers as they release their sweet fragrance! Rain is magical – it puts the soul in a transcendental mood. It makes you feel like you are having a one-on-one, intimate moment with God. I love water in all forms. There’s nothing like enjoying a fresh glass of water after jogging… feeling the water saturating every cell of your body!

10 Ways Water Makes You Beautiful:
•Fresh clean water quenches thirst like no other fluid.
•Water nourishes the body cells making them supple.
•Water balances electrolytes in your body, propelling the energy through your cells.
•Drinking water suppresses appetite.
•Water promotes a good mood and keeps your brain alert and agile.
•Water helps your muscles recover faster after a hard workout.
•Drinking a lot of fresh clean water makes your skin radiant.
•Water speeds up metabolism and helps you loose fat.
•Water flushes toxins from your body.
•Water makes you healthy. Being healthy is SEXY!

There are three important rules when it comes to drinking water*:
Rule 1: Drink twice as much as it takes to quench your thirst.
Rule 2: Drink frequently throughout the day to prevent dehydration.
Rule 3: Drink at least eight glasses daily, or one cup for every 20 pounds of body weight. For example, a 150-pound person who does not exercise or work in hot climates needs a minimum 7.5 cups. If you are physically active or live in a hot or dry climate, you need to drink more water.
* A disclaimer: These are general guidelines for healthy people. Always consult your doctor before changing your diet or fitness routine.

Cerebral facts: The human brain is 95% water and can use up to 40% of the water we consume. Blood is 82% and lungs 90% water. A mere 2% drop in our body’s water supply can trigger signs of dehydration, fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on smaller print, such as a computer screen.

While some fruit juices and non-caffeinated tea may account for some fluid intake, you can count out beverages such as coffee or alcohol. They have a mild diuretic effect, which promotes urination and therefore water loss, which ultimately defeats the purpose. Fruit juice has a high content of sugar and, therefore, also dehydrates the body. For optimum hydration, develop a taste for fresh clean water without added flavors.

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