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8 Stress-Busters for When You Have a Full House Especially During the Holidays

Family members everywhere, gifts to wrap, and an ever-growing to-do list every single day. Keep your stress levels low with these simple, five-minute activities. Holiday is just in the corner and there are more than 20 percent of Americans report “high levels of stress” during this season—and that type of chronic tension isn’t good for your BODY or your MIND.
“The body is set up to have short bursts, get out of harm’s way, and get back to normal,” says MindyGreenstein, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and blogger for Psychology Today. “In the case of prolonged stress, you don’t get that respite, and the body continues churning out cortisol,” or the so-called “stress hormone.”
It would really be comforting to ease your stress with an hour-long massage, but who has the time? Instead, try these stress-busting exercises that are sure to calm you down and make you feel better in just minutes.
1.  Brew a cup of tea
A few sips of a calming blend could be key to unwinding in the midst of craziness. There are researches shows people who drank tea were able to de-stress more quickly than those who drank a tea substitute, and those who specifically drank black tea had lower levels of cortisol after participating in “stressful” events. If black tea isn’t your favorite, go for green, this could also perk up our metabolism.
Lauren Miller, author of 5 Minutes to Stress Relief, says the purpose of any stress-relieving task is that it “distracts us from the brain muck, and gives us a brain break.” Even if your tea choice isn’t scientifically backed, the act of brewing and sipping can be enough to take your mind away from family tension.

2.  Laugh about it.
A lot of experts agree that finding a way to laugh is one of the easiest ways to sidestep stress. But you can’t just chuckle to yourself every time —it has to be real, mirthful laughter. In one study, Midwestern patients who underwent “laughter therapy” had lower levels of self-reported stress.
Laughter activates and relieves your stress response, releases endorphins, the hormones responsible for stress and soothes tension. Keep a playlist of your favourites music/funny videos that never fail to crack you up, and turn to them in those moments when you’re ready to pull out your hair.

3.  Hug it out.
One study showed that hugging and “warm contact” led to lower blood pressure and heart rate compared to adults who were part of a “no contact” control group. The benefits are likely due to oxytocin hormone, the “bonding hormone,” which has also been linked to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels.  So, why not hug every family member or friend, when you get the chance.
“Two of our basic needs as humans are to feel safe and connected,” Miller says. “When we feel safe and connected, our entire perception of the world shifts.”

4.  Count your breaths.
One of the body’s most effective stress relievers is Breathing —but not just any  ordinary breathing. We’re talking about cleansing breaths.
Greenstein has a trick to ensure you’re taking deep, full breaths. Put one hand on your chest, and one on your abdomen, and take a breath. If the hand over your chest begins to rise, you’re taking shallow breaths. Practice until you’re pushing the hand over your abdomen—then begin taking slow, deliberate breaths. “If you feel like a bad moment is coming on, you know that it’s time for your cleansing breaths,” says Greenstein.

5.  Find your center.
Continue your deep breathing one step further with a little zen time. Called “mindful meditation,” just a few brief minutes might reduce cortisol levels, and this might help you find new perspective on stressful situations.
You really have to find a short time for meditation even if this isn’t your thing, a few minutes of mindfulness can be a serious stress reliever.  Sneak into your bedroom or bathroom and close the door to drown out noise and have some alone time.   Headspace app will give you ideas to help you focus.

6.  Read your favorite book.
Taking a few minutes to skim the pages of a good book is both a tactic for relieving stress in the moment, and preventing it before it starts.
“If you’re going to face stressful people, read something that inspires you,” Sood says. It is best to start this in the morning before everyone is awake, or save a stack of your favorite magazines to page through in the middle of a crazy day— this will surely relax your mind.

7.  Step outside.
A 2011 study at the University of Edinburgh found lower cortisol levels in adults who lived in areas with more green spac and taking time to get outside the enclosed areas like your home and office. Take advantage of your favorite winter scent — short walks in the park or forest reduces anxiety and stress in one study.
“Shorter days means less sunlight,” Sood says. “This might bring people more stress.” As it gets darker, our body produces the sleep hormone- melatonin, that leads us to feel sluggish and tired, but when we have a full plate and a full house, that exhaustion can easily translate to a sense of being overwhelmed. Get outside when you can, and soak up the sun, even on chilly days.

8.  Take a snack break.
Dark chocolate and roasted pumpkin seeds, are the foods identified by scientists that might help reduce stress or even chewing gum too. But, as with any science-backed stress buster, you’re the only person better to understand what makes you feel better ib the end of the day.
“Just because science says something ‘on average’ doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be true for you,” Greenstein says. “Gravitate towards the things that feel like they might help.”
Most importantly, avoid striving for perfection, and learn to accept inevitable bumps in the road. “You have to develop this attitude over a period of time, weeks or months,” Sood says. You won’t become zenovernight, and the first time to attempt a stress-free lifestyle is not Thanksgiving morning.
Start today—and by the time your doorbell rings, you might just be ready to take on the entire family.

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