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Amazing Benefits of Oatmeal

You have to eat oatmeal or you’ll dry up. Anyone knows that.”  –Kay Thompson
Your grandma and the Scots ate oats because they are inexpensive and grow anywhere. I eat it for its taste and nutrition and many other benefits. It’s on my list of Powerfoods that I eat regularly.
It’s really true what the cereal TV commercials say about those “crunchy oat clusters.” They are good for you, particularly if you make your own.
10 Reasons Why I Love Oatmeal
1. Low calorie food; stops cravings.
A cup is only 130 calories!  It also stays in your stomach longer, making you feel full longer.  You will have less hunger and cravings.
2. Provides high levels of fiber, low levels of fat, and high levels of protein.
It’s on the short list for the highest protein levels of any grain.
3. Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces risk of diabetes (type 2)
The high fiber and complex carbohydrates slow down the conversion of this whole food to simple sugars. The high levels of magnesium nourish the body’s proper use of glucose and insulin secretion.
4. Removes your bad cholesterol (without affecting your good cholesterol).
Many studies have shown that the unique fiber in oatmeal called beta-glucan, has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels
5. Gluten-free safe.
I am gluten sensitive and have no problem with oatmeal.  If you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease there is some cause for concern. Oats lack many of the prolamines (proteins) found in wheat (gluten) but oats do contain avenin.  Avenin is a prolamine that is considered toxic to the intestinal mucosa of avenin-sensitive individuals.  Oats can also contain gluten from nearby wheat field contamination and processing facilities.  Many studies have shown that many celiacs can consume wheat free oats with no problems.
6. Contains lignans which protect against heart disease and cancer.
Oatmeal, like many whole grains, contains plant lignans, which are converted by intestinal flora into mammalian lignans.  One lignan, called enterolactone, is thought to protect against breast and other hormone-dependent cancers as well as heart disease.

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