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15 celebrities who died horrifying deaths – This will get you misty (With Pictures)

Celebrities who dies horrific deaths: Did you know that vending machines kill two to three people a year on average? It’s true, people try to get a free snack and the next thing they know, WHAM!, a glass tower of Frito’s and honeybuns is coming down on their heads. Not into junk food? Prefer the finer things in life? Well, rogue champagne corks kill close to 24 people a year, so statistically, you’re better off trying your luck at the vending machine. My point is, there are millions of wacky ways to kick the bucket, and no one is immune to them, not even the rich and famous.


1. Isadora Duncan

At this point, discussing the smorgasbord of celebrities that went six feet under this past year would be, well, beating a dead horse. Not to worry, plenty of them died in the years leading up to 2016 and I’m happy to talk about them. Since the birth of Hollywood, before movies even had recorded audio, celebrities have dealt with stalkers, depression and stage mishaps, which leads to murder, suicide and accidental death. To really sweeten the deal, a few of them have gone in such ridiculous ways you’ll have to read these captions twice to even begin to comprehend how or why they bought the farm the way they did. Here are 15 celebrities who died bizarre, horrific deaths:
Isadora Duncan was basically the mother of modern/contemporary dance. She pretty much gave ballet the middle-finger and came up with that whole idea of dance being a form of expression rather than low-class entertainment. By the age of 22, she ditched her home state of California for eastern Europe and became the most famous woman in the world prancing around on two feet. Fast forward through twenty-seven years of unprecedented success and we arrive at the evening of September 14, 1927 in Nice, France when she hopped into the convertible of a fancy French-Italian mechanic and sped off into the streets hollering what would be her last words, “Adieu, mes amis. Je vais à la gloire!” (“Farewell, my friends. I go to glory!”). Duncan donned a long, flowing scarf – a good combatant of the cold but inevitably a poor choice. The scarf became entangled with the spokes of the car’s wheels and axle and Duncan was launched out of the car by her neck (which snapped almost instantly killing her). Other accounts claim the scarf strangled her to death and nearly decapitated her in the process, which is even more gruesome than the original claims. Her legacy lives on with every modern school that opens, and also with the fact that doctors now refer to any injury or death caused by neckwear getting caught in a machine, “Isadora Duncan Syndrome.”



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