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15 religious films that pissed off the world – You will be shocked at the blasphemy (With Pics)

There have been a fair share of religious films produced over the years. Most of them are rather tame, and typical religious propaganda, to be honest. But there are those select few that have really either attempted to shine light on “God’s children” in a rather grotesque or overwhelmingly, and overzealous way… or have shone light on the incredible absurdities of the religious, their beliefs, and their horrid actions.


From extolling the virtues of the insane tenants of Scientology via the awful acting of John Travolta… all the way to filmmakers being stabbed to death for detailing the abuse of women in fundamentalist Muslim households… well, suffice it to say religion, and films about religion, on either side of the argument, really do make a lasting impact on people (and sometimes a fatal one).

And so, below are fifteen religious films, both for and against, that have in one way or another stirred up an incredible amount of trouble, caused countless cases of abuse, and lead to more deaths than anyone might initially think.

15. The Da Vinci Code

Here begins the true controversy in earnest. The Da Vinci Code, based on the best-selling novel by Dan Brown, caused a big stir in the Catholic communities the world over. A clearly fictional story, playing with the history of certain biblical characters, suggesting that Mary Magdalene was in fact Jesus’ wife, had the ignorant in an uproar. Many took talks about the upcoming film as based on some level of fact, adding to the already controversial content of the film. Religious people rallied to fight the notion that the film portrayed the fictional mysteries therein as fact (which it certainly did not do). Though it must be said for the faithful: there was no full out boycott of the contentious film. Instead, along with the incredible marketing and ridiculous controversy, religious leaders hoped that viewing of the film and its focus on Jesus would spark interest in the bible’s key character. As it happens, the film did not do incredibly well, critically, but it did take in $758 million dollars worldwide; making it one of the highest grossing films of that year.



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