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15 real life people with unbelievable superpowers – #1 will get you stunned big time (With Photos)

People with unbelievable superpowers : The human body is capable of incredible things. We often hear the phrase “we’re only human” when something wrong happens and we want to be forgiven for our shortcomings, but what happens when human beings head to the other end of that spectrum? What happens when the human body bypasses its barriers and breaks the laws of science that hold it down? That’s when we get people who are gifted with extraordinary abilities. 


These superhumans live among us, usually in the most average of conditions, but are capable of feats that set them apart from the rest of humankind. The things they are able to accomplish, either mentally or physically, are proof that the human body is more powerful that we can ever imagine. Are their enhanced abilities indicators of an evolutionary process, or are they just one-off anomalies? The concept is fascinating to think about, and while we’ll never know the answer anytime soon, watching these people do what they do is amazing all the same. They may not have comic books like Superman or the X-Men, and they may not be saving the world from supervillains (yet), but they’re amazing nonetheless and deserve to be recognized for their unique superhuman qualities.

15. The Magnet Man – Liew Thow Lin


I’m trying my best to refrain from calling this guy Magneto. Liew Thow Lin, famously known as “Mr. Magnet” or “The Magnet Man”, has the unique ability of sticking metal objects to his body. The objects, weighing up to 2kg each, with a maximum of 36kg in total, seem to stick on Thow Lin’s body as though held there by a magnetic force from inside him.

Thow Lin has performed this amazing feat for charity many times and has gained popularity as some kind of superhuman among the locals. The explanation though, has nothing to do with magnetic fields. Scientists from the University of Technology in Thow Lin’s homeland of Malaysia have concluded that his skin exhibits very high levels of friction, allowing the objects to stick as though held there by a magnetic field. What’s more bizarre is that the trait is genetic, as seen in Thow Lin’s three grandchildren!



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